Where am I at? Review Your Life with this Balance Wheel (Reflection Tool)



The XP Wheel of Life is a powerful tool to evaluate different areas of your life, set goals, and track progress. This visual representation helps you understand where you are and where you want to go, allowing for a balanced approach to personal development.


Personal growth is a continuous journey, and understanding where you currently stand is crucial to making meaningful progress. The XP Wheel of Life is designed to help you evaluate key areas of your life, set realistic goals, and track your progress over time.

What is the XP Wheel of Life?

The XP Wheel of Life is a self-assessment tool that breaks down your life into several key areas, such as Mind, Soul, Romance, Family, Friends, Growth, Money, Work, Mission, Body, and Joy. Each area is represented as a segment of a wheel, and you rate your satisfaction in each area on a scale from 0 to 10.

How to Use the Wheel of Life

  1. Identify Key Areas: The wheel includes segments like Mind, Soul, Romance, Family, Friends, Growth, Money, Work, Mission, Body, and Joy. These areas represent different facets of your life.
  2. Rate Each Area: Use the sliders to rate your current satisfaction level in each area from 0 to 10.
  3. Visualize Your Wheel: Once you have rated each area, generate the wheel to visualize your current life balance.
  4. Analyze Your Wheel: Look at the areas where you scored the lowest and the highest. This visual representation will help you identify where you need to focus your efforts.
  5. Set Goals: Based on your analysis, set specific, measurable goals to improve the areas where you scored lower.
  6. Track Progress: Re-evaluate your wheel periodically to track your progress and adjust your goals as needed.
XP Chart of Life

Where do you think you are right now in your life?

Your mental clarity and knowledge. E.g., How well you understand new topics.
Your inner peace and spirituality. E.g., Meditation and self-reflection practices.
Your romantic relationships. E.g., Quality time with your partner.
Your relationship with family. E.g., Regular family gatherings.
Your social connections. E.g., Catching up with friends.
Your personal development. E.g., Learning new skills.
Your financial stability. E.g., Saving and investing wisely.
Your career satisfaction. E.g., Achieving your work goals.
Your purpose and mission. E.g., Working towards a meaningful goal.
Your physical health and fitness. E.g., Regular exercise routines.
Your happiness and enjoyment. E.g., Engaging in hobbies you love.

Make sure to save the wheel ๐Ÿ˜„

PS: Once you generate your wheel - make sure to download and store it ๐Ÿ˜Š