Tax Secrets of the Rich by Allan Mason: Book summary with Notes and Highlights

Tax Secrets of the Rich by Allan Mason: Book summary with Notes and Highlights


"Tax Secrets of the Rich" by Allan Mason offers essential insights into the Australian taxation system. Drawing from his experience as Kerry Packer's accountant, Mason provides tax optimization strategies and business advice for income earners, entrepreneurs, and small business owners.

tl;dr: If you're an income earner, small business owner, or entrepreneur looking to understand the intricacies of the Australian taxation system and how to keep more of your hard-earned money, "Tax Secrets of the Rich" by Allan Mason is the must-read guide you need. Drawing from his experience as Kerry Packer's accountant, Mason provides deep insights into tax-saving strategies, wealth management, and entrepreneurship. This book offers practical advice updated annually to reflect the latest Australian tax laws. It’s a two-in-one guide that combines tax optimization techniques with key strategies on how to launch and run a successful business.


While there are only two certainties in life, death and taxes, this book aims to change the perception of taxes from a burden to an opportunity for financial growth. Mason draws on his experience as an accountant to provide real-life case studies and expert advice on minimizing your tax contributions legally while maximizing your wealth.

🚀 The Book in 4 Sentences

  1. "Tax Secrets of the Rich" by Allan Mason is an essential guide to mastering the Australian tax system, providing insights from Mason's experience as Kerry Packer's accountant.
  2. It caters to income earners, small business owners, and entrepreneurs looking to minimize their tax liabilities and maximize their financial control.
  3. The book serves as a valuable resource updated annually to reflect changes in Australian tax laws and regulations.
  4. It combines two books in one: practical tax-saving strategies and actionable advice on launching a successful business.

🎨 Impressions

As someone who has significantly expanded their knowledge of taxes in the past year, I found this book to be an eye-opener. It offers a comprehensive, annually updated guide that helps you stay on top of the latest developments in Australian tax regulations. The insights in this book made me realize how important it is to play the “tax game” strategically, especially as a business owner.

This book has given me a clearer understanding of how to minimize tax liabilities while still complying with the law, something that isn't often taught in schools but should be. Mason’s approach makes tax planning accessible to everyone, whether you're just starting a small business or you're an established entrepreneur looking to retain more of your income.

How I Discovered It

This book came into my hands at a crucial moment in my life: when I was in the process of buying my first property. My broker, Clyde, handed it to me as a gift, and it turned out to be more than just a guide for property owners. It quickly became a valuable tool in helping me understand how the Australian tax system works, especially for property investors.

Reading it opened my eyes to how much money you can save simply by knowing how to navigate tax deductions and tax laws.\

Who Should Read It?

If you're someone who wants to take full control of your finances and minimize the amount of money you give away to taxes, then this is the book for you. Mason’s book should honestly be a mandatory part of any financial education, especially in Australian schools where finance and tax literacy are rarely prioritized.

I particularly recommend this to:

  • Small business owners who want to grow their business while optimizing their tax liabilities.
  • Entrepreneurs who need a roadmap to maximize their wealth and stay compliant with Australian tax laws.
  • Anyone curious about how wealthy individuals legally minimize taxes.

A Balanced View of the Two Books

While "Tax Secrets of the Rich" does a brilliant job of explaining tax rules and providing clear strategies for tax minimization in Australia, it is essentially two books in one. The first part is an excellent, practical guide to navigating tax laws, updated annually to reflect the latest regulatory changes. This section, which details how to structure your personal and business finances to reduce your tax burden legally, is where the book shines.

However, the second part—a self-help section focused on business psychology—feels somewhat out of place and lacks the depth of the first. While it touches on the risks and psychological challenges of starting a business, it often repeats itself and doesn’t add much value beyond basic motivational content. In my opinion, this part would have been better spent providing more detailed case studies or exploring aggregate trends such as interest rate risks and their tax implications.

How the Book Changed Me

This book changed the way I look at money, taxes, and entrepreneurship. Here are some specific ways it impacted me:

  • New Perspective on Taxes: I’ve learned that taxes aren’t something you just pay – they’re something you can legally minimize with the right strategy. This book helped me understand various tax structures and how to leverage them to my benefit.
  • Understanding Wealth Management: I gained insight into how wealthy individuals view their taxes not as a burden, but as something to manage smartly. It changed my mindset, showing that with careful planning, earning more doesn't always mean paying more in taxes.
  • Increased Tax Knowledge: By dispelling the myth that more income equals higher taxes, I now know the importance of proactive tax planning and business structures. I’m now equipped to assess my current financial situation and plan for the future.
  • Psychological Insights: I also appreciated the psychological insights the book provided into success and failure in business. It’s not just about finances; it’s about your mindset and resilience as well.

Action Plan to Apply

This book is filled with actionable steps, and I've committed to applying these strategies to my personal and business finances:

  • Review My Tax Situation: I'm taking stock of my current tax setup and identifying areas where I can legally minimize my tax burden.
  • Consult with a Tax Professional: The strategies in this book have made me realize the importance of expert advice, so I plan to work with a tax professional to ensure I'm making the most of these insights.
  • Plan for Next Financial Year: With tax planning tips from the book, I’m already preparing for the next financial year to maximize deductions.
  • Grow My Wealth with Compounding: I’ll implement the wealth-building strategies Mason shares, particularly those that leverage compounding interest.
  • Explore Business Structures: I'll review different business structures to see which would give me the most tax advantage.

Top Quotes

  • "Now of course I am minimizing my tax, and if anybody in this country doesn't minimize their tax they want their heads read." – Kerry Packer (1991)This quote perfectly captures the mindset of successful individuals when it comes to tax planning. It's a reminder that we should all take control of our financial destiny by making informed, strategic decisions.
  • "To create wealth, you must either be in business or be an investor." This simple yet powerful truth has inspired me to think about my long-term financial goals differently. It underscores the importance of being proactive in both business and investing.


Despite its minor flaws, "Tax Secrets of the Rich" is still a must-read for anyone serious about improving their financial literacy. The practical tax advice in this book does a far better job at educating the average person on taxes than any public school curriculum. Mason’s background as Kerry Packer’s accountant makes this book credible and actionable, especially for those seeking to minimize taxes legally and grow their wealth.

Ready to have a read of the book?

📒 Summary + Notes

Pt 1: Understanding taxes and money

  1. Taxes set to rise - the start of the repayment stimuli
    • Explanation of current economic conditions leading to potential tax increases
    • Discussion of government debt and its impact on future tax policies
  2. The Tax Game
    • Overview of the Australian tax system and how it operates
    • Strategies for legal tax minimization
  3. What Kerry Packer Said About Tax
    • Analysis of Kerry Packer's famous quote on tax minimization
    • Discussion on the ethics and legality of tax optimization
  4. The Importance of Tax Planning
    • Benefits of proactive tax planning for individuals and businesses
    • Key elements of effective tax planning strategies
  5. Business Income and Tax Structures
    • Overview of different business structures in Australia (sole trader, partnership, company, trust)
    • Tax implications of each structure
  6. Tax Rates Using Different Structures
    • Detailed breakdown of tax rates for various business structures
    • Comparison of tax outcomes for different income levels
  7. Case Study Using Different Structures
    • Real-world examples illustrating tax outcomes for various business structures
    • Analysis of optimal structures for different business scenarios
  8. How to Grow Your Wealth - The Power of Compounding
    • Explanation of compound interest and its impact on long-term wealth accumulation
    • Strategies for leveraging compounding in investment and retirement planning

Pt 2: Why Tax is Not an Exact Science

  1. The Tax System in AU - Balancing the Budget
    • Overview of how the Australian tax system contributes to the national budget
    • Discussion on tax policy changes and their economic impacts
  2. Timing of Income and Expenditure
    • Strategies for optimizing the timing of income recognition and expenses
    • Tax implications of deferring income or bringing forward expenses
  3. ATO Data Matching - The Ability Review
    • Explanation of ATO's data matching capabilities
    • Tips for ensuring compliance and avoiding red flags
  4. Why You Must Do Things Legally - The Penalties
    • Overview of penalties for tax evasion and non-compliance
    • Importance of maintaining accurate records and seeking professional advice

Pt 3: Tax Tips to Save You Money

  1. Your Sole and Principal Residence
  • Tax implications of owning and selling a primary residence
  • Strategies for maximizing tax benefits related to home ownership
  1. Rental Properties
    • Tax deductions available for rental property owners
    • Strategies for optimizing rental property investments for tax purposes
  2. Business Concessions
    • Overview of tax concessions available to small businesses
    • How to qualify for and maximize these concessions
  3. Superannuation Concessions
    • Explanation of tax benefits related to superannuation contributions
    • Strategies for optimizing superannuation for tax purposes
  4. Gearing
    • Discussion on positive, negative, and neutral gearing
    • Tax implications and strategies for each type of gearing
  5. Asset Write-offs
    • Explanation of instant asset write-off provisions
    • How businesses can benefit from asset write-off schemes
  6. Share Portfolios
    • Tax implications of share investing
    • Strategies for tax-efficient portfolio management
  7. Year-end Tax Planning Tips for Employees
    • Strategies for maximizing deductions and minimizing tax liability for employees
  8. Year-end Tax Planning Tips for Investors
    • Tax planning strategies specific to various types of investments
  9. Year-end Tax Planning for Small Businesses
    • Key considerations and strategies for small business tax planning
  10. Year-end Tax Planning for Trusts
    • Specific tax planning strategies for trust structures

Pt. 4: How to Manage Your Business and Money Better

  1. Know Your Business KPIs
    • Identifying and tracking key performance indicators for business success
  2. Make a Profit
    • Strategies for increasing profitability and managing cash flow
  3. Pay Yourself First
    • Importance of personal financial management for business owners
  4. Set Money Aside
    • Strategies for building business reserves and personal savings
  5. How the Tax System Works and How to Use it to Create Wealth
    • Leveraging tax strategies for long-term wealth accumulation
  6. Calculating Your Net Worth
    • Methods for assessing and growing personal net worth
  7. Using Other People's Money
    • Strategies for leveraging debt and external financing for business growth
  8. Your Road to Riches
    • Long-term wealth building strategies and mindset

Pt 5: Personal and Business Psychology

  1. Ethics and Business
    • Balancing profit motives with ethical considerations in business
  2. People Can Drag You Down
    • Managing relationships and avoiding negative influences in business
  3. The Psychological Price of Entrepreneurship
    • Addressing mental health challenges faced by entrepreneurs
  4. You Are Not Your Work, the Problem with Passion
    • Maintaining work-life balance and avoiding burnout
  5. Entrepreneurs and Mental Health
    • Strategies for maintaining mental well-being as a business owner
  6. The Power Within, How to Harness That Power
    • Developing personal resilience and motivation
  7. Millionaire Mindset, The Holdbacks
    • Overcoming mental barriers to wealth accumulation and business success