My Favorite Hello and My Hardest Goodbye: Grieving My Boxer (Soul) Dog, Tyson


TL;DR: Losing my beloved boxer, Tyson, was devastating, but the joy and love he brought into my life made every moment worthwhile. From his first day as a puppy to his sudden passing due to brain cancer, Tyson was my constant companion, teaching me about love, loyalty, and living in the moment. As I navigate the grief of his loss, I find comfort in cherishing his memory and the deep bond we shared. Tyson will forever be my best friend, my light, and my heart.

Losing a pet is one of the most heart-wrenching experiences a person can endure. As Jennifer Golbeck poignantly states, “In exchange for a lifetime of love and good memories, the price we pay is the one worst day of our lives.”

For me, that day was when I lost Tyson, my loyal and loving boxer. Though the pain was overwhelming, the joy and love Tyson brought into my life were worth every tear.

The Beginning of a Beautiful Bond:

Tyson entered my life as a tiny puppy, and from the moment I picked him up from a farm south of Canberra, he became my constant companion.

He was my first dog, my soul dog, and we shared a bond like no other.

Whether I was celebrating a success or enduring a failure, Tyson was always by my side, offering unconditional love and loyalty.

The memory of him arriving in my lap on that first day and leaving the world in my lap is something I will forever cherish.

The Devastating Diagnosis:

The day Tyson passed away was the hardest day of my life. What should have been a routine vet check-up for flu-like symptoms turned into a nightmare.

Tyson was diagnosed with undiagnosed brain cancer, and he didn’t have long to live. The news was crushing. I searched desperately for answers, hoping for a miracle, but there was only one solution: euthanasia.

When I asked the vet how much time we had left, she responded with painful honesty, “Not long, but he’s suffering. The sooner it’s done, the better.”

I can’t recall much after that conversation, but I vividly remember holding Tyson as he lay on the floor. His eyes met mine with a mix of comfort and confusion.

Through my tears, I thanked him for the memories, for always being there, for being the angel in my life who taught me the meaning of pure, unconditional happiness. I couldn’t stop crying as his heart stopped.

A huge part of me felt like it was gone with him.

A Candle That Burns Brightly:

They say a candle that burns twice as brightly lasts half as long, and my boxer pup's candle certainly burned brightly.

His loss has left a void that nothing can fill, but the memories of his unwavering loyalty and love continue to provide solace. His passing was sudden and unexpected, as he hid his illness so well that I had no time to prepare.

Cherished Memories and Lifelong Lessons:

Tyson was more than just a pet; he was my best friend, my confidant, and my teacher. His presence filled my life with joy, and he taught me valuable lessons about love, loyalty, and living in the moment.

Whether greeting me at the door, lending a paw when I was stressed, or reminding me to take a break, Tyson was always there, making even the toughest days bearable.

The Journey Through Grief:

Navigating the grief of losing Tyson has been a journey in itself. As Brené Brown describes in Atlas of the Heart, the stages of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance—have all played a part in my healing process.

Emily McQuinn’s guide on coping with the loss of a pet offered compassionate advice that helped me honor Tyson’s memory and find comfort in my grief.

Honoring Tyson’s Memory:

In Tyson’s memory, I’ve committed to living more fully in the moment. I’ve embraced meditation, put away distractions during meals, and engaged more deeply with the people around me.

Creating memorials, in our house, has provided closure and allowed me to celebrate his life and remember how he would act in the present.

While I’m not ready to adopt a new pet yet, I know that cherishing Tyson’s memories will always keep his spirit alive in my heart.

When he'd know it's playtime and walk-time!

Dealing with Unexpected Grief

One of the most challenging aspects of Tyson’s loss was its suddenness. He was here one day and gone the next. This unexpected grief intensified the pain, and even now, the sadness can strike unexpectedly.

Yet, through this grief, I’ve learned the importance of being present and appreciating the relationships that matter most.

The Healing Power of Companionship:

Julianne Holt-Lunstad’s study on loneliness highlights that it can be more deadly than obesity or air pollution. Tyson was my cure for loneliness, embodying all the benefits that come with having a pet.

His companionship made even the toughest days bearable, and though losing him has been incredibly challenging, it has also reminded me of the significant impact he had on my life.

Final Thoughts:
Tyson was the best dog ever.

His love and companionship enriched my life in ways words cannot express.

As I navigate this grief, I hold onto the memories and the lessons he taught me.

He will always be my best friend, my light, my heart.